
Story Of a Disable Boy Who Operates Computer With Nose | Motivational Story Of A Handicapped Man

2020-10-30 10 Dailymotion

Waqas Ahmed from Balakot was just an intermediate student when rather than giving up; he started an NGO for individuals like him; who were handicapped in any way. His NGO is called ‘Pace2Life’. Waqas, who suffers from celebral palsy, said he knew there are many people like him who face problems in their daily lives due to different disabilities. He had the urge to help as many of them as he could. With the help of his friends, he started the NGO with just rupees 50. His NGO provides medical services to people such as ambulances and dispensaries in rural areas. Along with running an NGO, Waqas is also doing M Phil and working on building a school for special children. Watch the video to see the optimism and positivity of Waqas who loves helping people despite his own disabilities.

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#DisabledPerson #InspirationalStory #WaqasAhmed #NGO #Pace2LifeWelfareFoundation #CelebralPalsy #MotivationalStoryOfAHandicappedMan #NGOForPeopleWithDisabilities #InspirationalStory